Friday 24 May 2013

Skills- free writing

I can play the piano.I have done exams, but mostly it is about the feeling of being talented, being expressive. It is playing something that someone might want to listen to. It is practicing and practicing every week for six years and finally being good at it, finally enjoying it. It is crying and laughing at the same time. Though the music may have been written by the composer, when you play it, it becomes yours, each time you play it is the first time and you always know more about your mistakes than a listener. It can hurt your back and your fingers and your mind, but when it flows perfectly all you do is listen to yourself like the piano doesn't even exist. You can learn through endless repetition and an 'ear' for the music, and somehow the hours become justified, even when the mistakes never leave. It is the only thing.


  1. I love your description of playing music, its so detailed and poetic!

  2. i really like the writing style in this!i love how you have separated it with commas and fullstops, it reads really nicely :)
